Nicholas Sparkman Joins the Left Justified Team

Nicholas Sparkman with Apothecary

Left Justified Studio has hired Nicholas Sparkman as its social media and marketing manager.

Nicholas recently received his honorable discharge from the United States Navy after almost nine years of service and moved to a little town in Oregon with his wife and son. A little over a year ago, he began making board game centered content for TikTok and has been a part of the community as a creator ever since. This led to several opportunities including getting his first game design published and being recommended to Left Justified President Jeff Tidball by a mutual friend.

Nicholas and Family

When he is not working on our socials, creating content for his channel, or promoting his debut game design’s crowdfunding campaign, Nicholas is a stay-at-home dad and a full-time student pursuing a degree in business and entrepreneurship.

β€” ❀️, the 🐻🐻🐻s

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