Company Store Expansion
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Your Camp’s Been Bought by the Company!
The Company Store Expansion brings an old-growth forest of new cards to your Flapjacks & Sasquatches game.
- The Company Store deck is a brand new way to lay your hands on everything from axes to Sasquatch repellant.
- A whole new wooden nickel economy expands your north woods rewards and opportunities.
- 16 all-new “Lumberjack” cards provide a new source of dirty tricks and special skills.
- New Jack cards, Tree cards, and Universal cards expand your decks with outhouses, sawdust, black walnut trees, overtime, and lots more.
- And three blank cards for each deck let you fabricate your own new rules!
No Problem the Company Can’t Solve
A Paul Bunyan–sized expansion for darn near everything you love about Flapjacks & Sasquatches.
- Sick of your old-timey chopping axe and worn-out gloves? Get a smart axe and smart-looking eye protection!
- Tired of working for peanuts? Take home wooden nickels when you chop down trees!
- One tree at a time too stifling a pace? Try dynamite on for size!
Company Store is not a stand-alone game — you need a copy of Flapjacks & Sasquatches to play.
Game Details
- 44 Company Store cards
- 30 Wooden Nickel cards
- 21 Lumberjack cards
- 20 Victory Points cards
- 15 Jack cards
- 12 Universal cards
- 10 Tree cards
- 15 Create Your Own cards
- Printed rules
Creative Team: Lead Design by William Sininger and design by John D. Harris, with art and layout by Jody Henning and Eric Knese.
2–8 Players | 20+ Minutes | Ages 8+
Regular Price: $24.95 US
Stock Number: PLF800
UPC Number: 019962063015
Size: 4" × 7.625" × 1.625"
Weight: 14 oz
Frequently Asked Questions
Our customer service bears maintain a FAQ about the games in the Flapjacks & Sasquatches line. They do a great job, and you'd like it.If you need more of everything Flapjacks & Sasquatches has to offer, the Company Store Expansion is for you!